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Check-ups are periodic health checks that enable the detection of diseases that may occur in a person, even if there is no known disease or complaint, or the early signs of these diseases and the risk factors in the person that may lead to diseases in the future. It should be done once a year.
Why should we have a check-up?
"Periodical Health Screening" enables the detection of hidden problems that may lead to disease in the future and preventive measures to be taken in people who have no complaints. Modern medicine aims to ensure that the person remains healthy by taking the necessary precautions before the disease occurs. Nowadays, with all the possibilities of modern medicine and technology being put into service; diabetes, various heart diseases and hypertension, high levels of blood fats that can lead to arteriosclerosis, lung diseases, kidney disorders, liver disorders, rheumatic diseases, goiter, some common cancers such as breast, uterus and cervical, prostate and bladder, anemia, osteoporosis. Early diagnosis and treatment of many diseases such as By revealing the risk factors, the symptoms of the disease can be prevented before they appear. In addition, by detecting early symptoms, treatment can be achieved before the disease progresses, at a lower cost and, more importantly, successfully. We should not forget that; Early diagnosis is the most important element of successful treatment.
Our Check-up Packages
VIP Women's Check-up
VIP Bay Check-up
Mini Check-up
Standard Check-up Lady
Standard Check-up Bay
Broad Bay Check-up
Extensive Women's Check-up
Child Check-up Standard
Child Check-up VIP
Cardiology Check-up
Urology Check-up
Gastro Check-up
Gynecological Check-up Under 40
Gynecological Check-up Over 40 Years of Age
When Coming to Have a Check-up
The fasting period should not be less than 8 hours and not more than 16 hours.
Pay attention to details that may affect your results!
For women; You do not have a (menstrual) period,
Do not use any vitamin and mineral supplements, and if so, state them.
To get information about check-up programs at Private Arrhythmia Health Group hospitals, fill out the form and we will call you.

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